Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hezbollah's recruitment drive by Israel

Looking at the images this past few days of innocent women and children murdered as a result of the bombings leaves a sense of anger over what has happened. To enter a sovereign nation, to bomb civillian sites killing hundreds of innocent women and children is morally wrong no matter what religion you come from.

Israel's justification is that it is a necessary evil. Its seige on Lebanon is to free itself and Lebanon and the middleeast at large from the influence of Hezbollah. I strongly disagree and tend to believe that Israel has accomplished the exact opposite. Whereas before there were a 100 Hezbollah sympathizers, today you have 1000. Israel's action has succesfully spawned more Hezbollah sympathizers and you will see them regrouping when the fire dies down. Where do you think the men and children who have lost their mothers and fathers and entire families turn to? Where will they channel all that anger and hatred? Who will provide them the platform? If not Hezbollah, it will be another terrorist group. Essentially, Israel is now running a recruitment campaign for the Hezbollah movement.

How do you then fight these terror groups? Many world leaders agree this is not a traditional enemy who has borders and government. Terrorism is an idealogy based on a religious convictions and they (believers) could be anywhere within a nation. The way is for nations to seek them out and to engage with them in dialogue and discussion. This is how I have always seen it on Television. When a group of bad guys hold up in a building with hostages, the SWAT team doesn't go in with guns blazing killing hostages and bad guys together. They don't do that claiming to free the world of bad guys, instead they try to engage the bad guys in a conversation learning as much of him/them as possible and trying to understand his psychi. They pull people who are close to them to try to talk them out of their mission. Usually, the bad guys do this because they have their backs against the wall and getting them to disarm means understanding where they are coming from.

I only pray that the violence will stop and that innocent men, women and children will be spared. I pray for an end to the cycle of hatred in that region.


PabloPabla said...

There can never be any justification for killing another human being the way the Israelis did.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly that violence will only beget more violence. What I am strongly against are hypocrites who ra-ra about human rights, sovereignity etc etc if this were to happen anywhere else in the world today but are strangely silent and even supportive of the Isreali invasion (for whatever reason). War is war and there isn't such a thing as a humane war or a war with rules (if you want that, go play Risk). There will be innocent victims, kids, women, civilians... Targetting civilians (mistakenly ?? yeah, right) is the absolute pits - where is the rest of the world in condemning this ?? Where are the supposedly righteous people who condemn human rights violations, help in other people's wars and generally play policeman for the world ? Ah, they are on the other side ??

Sun Tzu said, the greatest victory is when you don't have to fight - don't these guys know anything ??? The worst is when you drive your enemy against a wall and down a dead end - then they have nothing to lose and will fight you to their last dying breath and that is indeed a fearful enemy. Always leave them a route to escape or surrender. The cycle of violence has been on for so long in that part of the world that I wonder if anyone knows what they are fighting for anymore...

PabloPabla said...

God must be weeping at mankind...

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