Friday, September 26, 2008

Prime Minister in waiting did more for the economy today

Honestly; the world is literally at the door step of a financial meltdown with eyes on Washington and what they will do. At home; UMNO huddles not to discuss financial battle plans and how to shield ourselves from an impending crises but to chatter about how to remove their President and Prime Minister of Malaysia. These pictures taken today speaks volumes about who, in my mind is the more competent leader to take Malaysia forward and through this looming crises.

UMNO top leaders; Pak Lah and Najib giving a press conference after an Emergency UMNO Supreme Council meeting. It appears Pak Lah has only till March before he transfers power to his Deputy Najib.

The Malaysian leaders were busy this morning and perhaps the last 6 months staying afloat amidst growing discontent.

Prime Minister in waiting; Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim this morning was in Hong Kong addressing as key note speaker at CLSA Asia Pacific forum. He spoke to Analysts from around the world, over a thousand investors from 30 countries and over 400 CEOs from the region.
He is competent or at least appears to be so and speaks confidently on the world financial situation and his plan for a new Malaysia. He is well respected and a much sought after speaker.

You can read Anwar Ibrahim's key note address to CLSA- Asia Pacific here:
I think the choice is quite obvious - wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

ApaKhabar said...

He was a former Malaysian Finance Minister. He is Anwar Ibrahim.