Friday, February 20, 2009

"Kami nak Idris, Natang" vs "Patik mohon derhaka"

In March 2008, when the Sultan of Terengganu and Agong of Malaysia insisted that Idris Jusoh not be made MB of Terengganu...there were some name calling. There was no "mohon derhaka" but UMNO supporters gathered at the palace gates and held up a banner that read:
"We want Idris, Animal"

One can only conclude that in Malaysia there are some who can "derhaka" or rebel or commit treason and some who cannot. I wouldn't even scold my pet dog in such a way and yet the one who claims to protect malay rights and malay royalty "menghina" in such a way!

MB Nizar said "memohon sembah derhaka" loosely translated today as "begging to difer". If this is derhaka, then what is holding a banner calling the Sultan an animal??! UMNO is using the royalty for its own selfish purposes....what a shame!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anwar's key note address at plenary session in Doha

Common Challenges: Addressing Together Emerging Global Issues”, Malaysian Parliamentary Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s keynote address at Plenary Session of the U.S.-Islamic World Forum, 14 February, 2009, Four Seasons Hotel, Doha, Qatar.

Much has already been said about the past — the missed opportunities and the broken promises of a country that many in the Muslim world hold in high esteem.
Our deepest fears were abated with hope that the Obama administration would honour the promises of a new agenda to re-engage with America’s friends and foes around the world in the interests of greater peace and in the pursuit of justice and liberty. We see a president committed to the values of freedom and democracy, a president who believes that the critical issues dividing the United States and the Muslim world can be resolved not through fiery rhetoric and bellicose language but by positive engagement in a language of mutual respect.
The new administration in its infancy has made some significant moves already to answer those calls for change. A tangible end to the Arab-Israeli conflict is not yet visible, however, the appointment of George Mitchell as Middle East envoy is a welcome step, as is the anticipated withdrawal from Iraq, a rethinking of the approach in Afghanistan; an admission that Guantanamo Bay is a betrayal of America’s principles; and clear statements against the use of torture. Even the mention of a hadith in a speech by Obama that as humans we ought to be guided by the universal truth that no harm should be enacted upon a person that one would not want foisted upon oneself struck a chord in the Muslim world.
We hope that in the new administration we find a more credible partner – both in resolving the most vexing political and security issues of our time, but also in pursing an agenda for sustainable economic development.
Poverty remains a key issue across Asia, the Middle East and much of Africa and provides a meaningful context in which to pursue a common agenda. Such an agenda would bring great benefit to millions subsisting on just a few dollars a day. In the context of the global recession there are clear avenues for cooperation to stimulate growth that could revive ailing economies including those in the developing world, and ameliorate its global negative impact.
Muslim countries cannot be mere bystanders in this era, nor can they place all their hopes on the possibility of a sea-change in American foreign policy.
No edict of the United States would change the state of affairs unless we witness real progress in ensuring that governments in the Muslim world are more responsive to the aspirations of their people and fulfil their legitimate expectations.
We need look no further than Indonesia – which in 1998 made the unprecedented peaceful transition from military authoritarianism to democracy. This happened virtually overnight and without the intervention of a single foreign soldier. No less significant is Turkey, which now stands as perhaps the most mature Muslim democracy in the world.
But these examples are too few, and in between is a sea of unfreedom, which has bred, among other things, poverty and radicalism.
If we can expect a certain rapprochement from the United States – the question remains: will the United States find credible partners in the Muslim world? Do they have a credible partner in us? The fact remains that issues of governance and accountability still loom large, continuing to cast doubts upon the legitimacy of ruling elites. In this regard, reform is no longer an option. There must be firm resolve borne out of the efforts of leaders and with the support of institutions of civil society to bring about the right changes.
The clamour for change among Muslims has not abated. Nevertheless in the Muslim world the past notion of the United States promoting democracy has been a tale of selective ambivalence, if not outright hypocrisy. We saw that in Algeria in 1991 and again more recently in Palestine. In other countries democracy is championed insofar as elections may take place – irrespective of the conduct of those elections. These are in fact sham democracies. The underlying undemocratic characteristics are scarcely impacted – tightly controlled media with blatant bias, rigged elections, oppressive treatment of opposition parties and a judiciary under siege. This is not an academic issue. Where I come from, this is a stark reality.
Muslims must be committed to change. The question that remains is how can we proceed? Firstly – real engagement must be inclusive. We should not start by building a wall around ourselves, setting preconditions, and prejudging groups and parties. These impediments only serve to strengthen old prejudices and further sow suspicion and doubt. Fruitful engagement must proceed from the premise that no nation (including America), no region (including the Arab world), and no culture or religion (including Islam) has a monopoly on the values of freedom, justice and human dignity. These are indeed universal principles that we all share.
Thank you.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Open Letter to Tengku Razaleigh - Malaysiakini

Malaysiakini -- My recent letter to editor.
Dear Tengku,
Your analysis of the situation in Perak and your unbiased statements establishes your character and your mark as a man of principle and integrity. It is unfortunate that history did not find a place for you as the fifth prime minister of Malaysia.

Your consistent call for integrity and fair play has landed on deaf ears not because your message is irrelevant but because the political party which you once knew is no more. It remains a shell devoid of any honour and pride.

There is only a beast hungry for money, power and positions. To Umno the ends justify the means. There is no turning back for Umno and it is impossible for it to change. Those who are in leadership and want to stay in leadership cannot change those who supply the money. Its an evil courtship between politicians, businessmen and government.

Tengku, for the sake of Malaysia and her people the most effective way for you to turn the tide of degeneration in Malaysia is to throw your support behind Pakatan Rakyat.
It is not ideal but it is built on good intentions and honourable goals. Goals which you in your writings reflect. It was you, dear Tengku, according to historians who brought Anwar Ibrahim into Umno.

If you could not have the chance to be prime minister although you were the legitimate winner then, now help the one whom you brought in decades ago. Your support for Pakatan Rakyat will be much more valued then in the failing Barisan Nasional which has already sidelined you.

Help us young people fulfill our dreams for a better Malaysia.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

My brief note to Malaysiakini

If this is the beginning of Najib's politics, it bodes danger for the country and the rakyat. It is obvious that this is a man familiar only with cloak-and-dagger politics.From his meeting with Saiful the sodomy accuser to Jamaluddin the Perak rep, everything smells of a rat. (Even they think so...)

This latest move by Najib is nothing more than a coup and not a proper transfer of power. The people of Perak have been robbed and shortchanged and I can assure you that there will be serious repercussions come the next general elections if the BN is allowed to govern Perak in this way.
It is hoped that in this darkest hour, the Perak sultan in his wisdom will call for the dissolution of the Perak state assembly to make way for state elections.If His Highness does not, then the rakyat will surely protest and will return with a vengeance at the next general elections.
Either way, the Barisan Nasional government is nearing its end. They are about to be checkmated.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Ooh Something stinks in UMNO!

The ground is shaking in Malaysia and its NOT caused by the financial crisis. In fact Malaysia maybe the only country in the world who is unscathed by the crisis (according to DPM). Something really STINKY is surfacing from within UMNO and the ruling party. ...its the smell of death and rotting flesh.

Apparently Najib is moving into position as the next Prime Minister of Malaysia and in his haste is already removing Badawi's men by way of corruption charges and prosecution.

Pak Lah's men is not going to sit quietly and hence the rabbit hopping has begun. The opposition stands to gain! In fact the latest news that Sirul, one of the accused in the Altantuya murder has testified that he was merely a scapegoat for somepersons maybe a reminder of the noose that still hangs around a certain individual.
This individual to me is a National Security Threat! Imagine if a foreign government for example Singapore were to get information with regards to one of the skeletons in this future leader's closet and use it as a bargaining tool; will Malaysia not be compromised??!

I will once again be at the edge of my seat watching events unfold and this once mighty and arrogant political party unravel itself into irrelevance.